This is a stool test that is ordered for two main reasons.
1) Often when you have lower bowel symptoms, we want to check if there is inflammation of the bowel. This test is excellent at telling me if there is actual inflammation. This is important to know, as there are many conditions in the bowel which cause symptoms (including pain, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation and even bleeding) without there being inflammation.
2) The second indication is for monitoring of inflammation in patients with a known bowel inflammatory disorder such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease (IBD). In these conditions, levels correlate with disease activity.
What does it measure?
It measures a protein in white blood cells, which are cells in the body that fight infection and are drawn to inflammation. The more inflammation there is, the higher the reading.
How do I do the sample?
You will bring the lab form to the testing facility (like LabPlus) and get a pottle and scoop. If you are lucky enough to be able to ‘do the business’ there and then, you can deliver the sample at this time. Otherwise, you can take the kit home, and do it in your own toilet. Keep the sample at room temperature out of direct sunlight and return to the lab as soon as possible.
What do the numbers mean?
The lab will read the test as abnormal if the value is more than 50 mg/kg or ug/g. The level of the reading relates to the amount of inflammation. Unfortunately, it does not tell us what is causing the inflammation, so a colonoscopy may be required.
If you have ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, this is an excellent way to help monitor disease activity, without having to get frequent colonoscopies. I may even request one if you have no symptoms at all, just to check there is no quiet low-grade grumbling inflammation that can be treated.
When will I get the results?
These usually take 2-3 weeks, much longer than other stool tests.
What else?
Taking anti-inflammatory medicines such as Ibuprofen, Voltaren or Diclofenac may cause this value to be raised and should be avoided.