A: This depends on your condition, what tests you might require, and what you health insurance policy (if you have this) may cover. Please be in touch with us and we can send out these details. I am a Southern Cross Preferred Provider. Southern Cross Colonoscopy Coverage
A: I can accomodate short notice and urgent appointments if required - please let my team know. I also do telehealth consultations if you would prefer this.
A: Yes, depending on your condition or concerns or what is found, a clinic appointment may still be necessary to discuss ongoing care. Similarly, sometimes only a clinic is needed and investigations/tests may not be required.
A: You can still get in touch and we can start to investigate and sort through the problem. However, a GP is a vital person to continue to have in the loop and be in contact with, particularly if this is a long-term condition.
A: This depends on a few things including their age, how many polyps were found and what sort they are. Get in touch to discuss this!
A: Some things you cannot change. Things that have been studied that can decrease risk include lifestyle risk factors
A diet high in fat and red or processed meat and low in fibre
A sedentary lifestyle
Cigarette smoking
Alcohol use-heavy use thought to have a very large impact: increase risk of 44% compared with non-drinkers and occasional drinkers
Modifying these risk factors may help lower your risk of colorectal cancer, in addition to improving your overall health For more information
At the end of the test, and before you go home, you will receive a full copy of your report, the preliminary findings and perhaps also suggestions of further tests or treatment. If biopsies were taken, this make take 7-10 days for the results to return. For help on reading the medical aspects of the report, click here.